Month: December 2018

Just about everyone reading this has probably heard of alleged UFO crashes like the Roswell incident. Or maybe you’ve even heard of the one at Kecksburg in Pennsylvania, or perhaps the alleged crash in the Black Forest in Germany in 1936. However, there is an absolute plethora of other claims, with numerous witnesses to boot,
The recent wildfires that raged through California have put firefighters in the limelight once again. In recent months, we have read or listened to news about heroic firefighters who risked their lives to contain the raging flames. Some were even killed in action. While some firefighters have proven themselves to be heroes, others have demonstrated
Throughout recorded history, from the first assembling of glyphs and letters to modern-day philosophical treatises, humans have used writing to express their thoughts on life, themselves, the world around them, and what they truly believe. With this in mind, books can be simple, easy, and digestible for the average reader, readily available to anyone at
Throughout time, religious ideology and belief in the supernatural have both helped and terrified human beings. As prehistoric cave paintings have demonstrated, the belief in forces beyond our control and comprehension predate agriculture, civilization, alphabets, and other aspects of human life which came about when the hunter-gatherers first tamed the land and the animals. For
Jupiter is the oldest planet in our solar system. Despite centuries of observation, this beautiful world remains mysterious. However, the gas giant is slowly starting to give up its secrets, thanks to high-tech telescopes and probes like the Juno spacecraft. The best finds from Jupiter are recent and otherworldly. This strange haul includes unique features,
A murderer is a person who unlawfully kills another person, right? Wrong! According to certain laws, a person does not need to kill another person before they can be arrested and charged with murder. In fact, they do not even need to be at the murder scene. These “murderers” are usually charged under controversial laws