Month: December 2018

Most of us think of human corpses as disgusting, creepy things that we would do everything in our power to keep away from. They remind us of our own inevitable mortality as they stare back at us with blank, gazing eyes. But under certain circumstances, people have shown an incredible ability to overcome this fear.
The first gentlemen’s clubs were formed in London in the 17th century for the benefit of the English aristocracy. Opulent surroundings and strict rules of confidentiality about the affairs of the club allowed gentlemen to relax in convivial company—at least according to their public image. The St. James’s area of London soon became known as
One might be forgiven for thinking that color just sits there. However, shades and hues have a mysterious world of their own. They show up in unbreakable math problems and inexplicably strange animals. The most fascinating facts and mysteries involve the way that humans and colors interact. From those who can hear colors to seeing
Witch hunts and the ensuing witch trials, be they for political or religious reasons, have always been truly dark and nightmarish things. Throughout the history of the world, innocent people, overwhelmingly women, have been interrogated, punished, tortured, raped, and even murdered, all under the presumption that they practiced some sort of occult sorcery, or witchcraft.
Skyscrapers are icons of architectural engineering. Also known as “supertall buildings” or “vertical cities,”[1] skyscrapers represent a great example of human audacity by challenging the limits of nature. As the world population grows, humans have developed the need to start living among the clouds. And with this idea, there are great problems to be solved