Month: April 2018

For decades, the world has questioned the space exploration narrative propounded by NASA. While this is not widely known, NASA is essentially a military organization, which means that this agency could protect sensitive information under the guise of defending national security. While the evidence seems to suggest that NASA did indeed send human beings to
Prescription drugs have had detrimental impacts on countless men, women, and children suffering from illness. Those who fall victim to the side effects of life-threatening medications may become zombielike and are even prone to drug abuse, addiction, and deadly overdoses. Some patients have gone beyond pharmaceuticals and have tried cannabis (aka marijuana), which has not
When we think of the ancient Egyptians, we typically think of Cleopatra or the oh-so-glamorous process of mummification. We do not, however, think of everyday objects and ideas that we use in our lives today. Although some of the biggest modern-day tools are credited to those of later existence, ancient Egyptians were way ahead of
In our world, it’s very hard to predict what will happen in the next few years, months, days, hours, minutes, or even seconds. Obviously, if we don’t know what will happen, we can’t prepare for what is to come. However, for some people in perilous situations, preparation for worst-case scenarios would be getting ready like