Month: July 2019

In eighth-century England, criminals could escape the death penalty by retreating to churches and paying a fine. In the years leading up to the Reformation, however, the principle of sanctuary declined, and church sanctuaries were officially abolished in 1540.[1] Although religious institutions are no longer legal sanctuaries, they continue to operate as powerful symbols in
Humanity’s opinion on sex is nearly unanimously favorable. Just about everyone likes talking about it, doing it, watching other people do it on the Internet, and pretty much everything else involving sex—and for good reason, too; it’s awesome! Despite being such a prominent part of our lives, though, sex remains a poorly understood function of
Deserts are typically portrayed as empty wastelands. Although their surface does not have a lot to offer, there is plenty to discover underneath. Archeologists have been digging up fossils in deserts for decades—especially the Sahara Desert, the biggest hot desert in the world. Scattered across the globe, fossils are traces of organisms from a past
Weeping is not just about ruining a good tissue. Researchers have found that crying could serve an important evolutionary purpose, that tears send chemical signals to other people, and that the salty globules can generate electricity. Then there are the mysteries, like why some people cry more on planes while others cry when they pee.
Cities and towns are essential to our lives. As centers of trade, community, and art, they are the places where exciting things happen and progress is made. Whole civilizations have been driven by powerful cities like Rome, London, and Paris. But sometimes, cities fall afoul of Mother Nature. Cities can survive most natural disasters, but
Many people dream of being a king or queen, but in truth, it is a hard task. While the wealth and power are an obvious boon, monarchs live their whole lives in the public gaze, their every act observed and criticized by thousands of people. Their position at the center of a state often means
Forget Mars. Swim deep enough, and you are on a different planet. Deep below, there are things older than dinosaurs and forests from ancient lands. While that makes for a great view, divers also face life-threatening situations like toxic streams and whales in a manhandling mood. Then there are the heroes who risk themselves by
For hundreds of years in Europe, all of the great works of art produced were in service of the Christian faith. Patrons were either rich nobles looking to boost their faithful credentials or the Church itself. Saints were popular subjects in art because images of their actions in life, and especially their deaths, were potent
Castles are one of the most popular remnants of the Middle Ages still standing today, but they are also some of the most misunderstood. Many of us think of them as dark, gray, cold places that must have been miserable to live in, but in their heydays, they were brightly colored, warm, and comfortable. We