
Judges have a tough job. Even before entering the courtroom, these defenders of justice face many years of education and training. When presiding over cases, they’re responsible for assessing the evidence and interpreting the law, all the while maintaining complete impartiality. In most cases, judges serve justice fairly, accurately, and in keeping with the law
In the not-so-distant past, the trade in complete skeletons and miscellaneous bones was in full bloom. Bone experts had figured out how to whiten and preserve the most beautiful skeletons for display. Meanwhile, medical doctors clamored for full sets of bones for their research and, dare one say, to show off their authority. While the
Ideally, only a church has the power to declare a person a saint. However, certain people—including individuals who might not have existed—and even animals have been declared saints without the approval of any church. These saints are often recognized for the healing prowess or acts of heroism they exhibited while alive or by miracles they
A fashionista may claim that they “wouldn’t be caught dead” in a bad outfit, but in reality, most people don’t spend much time thinking about the clothes they will be buried in. In modern times, a person’s final outfit is usually just a suit or dress that a relative finds in their closet. People may