
When people think of Adolf Hitler, the first thing that usually comes to mind is that he was one of the most evil men in history, responsible for the deaths of over six million people. They don’t tend to think that he was a man who inspired the love and often fanatical devotion of quite
The flowing watercourse of a river can be a remarkable sight for those who relish the beauty and excitement of natural streams. There are, however, countless rivers around the world that are marred by unspeakable tragedy. The following list delves into the history of these waterways, examining a myriad of inexplicable deaths, grisly murders, and
Sometimes, being dead isn’t so restful. In the recent past, this could mean wild dogs digging up your remains, as often happened in the early 1900s of Australia. Or maybe it entailed ghouls dressed in men’s clothing taking shovels to your brand-new burial plot. Many people in the past distrusted cemeteries because they attracted the
As children, many people took a beloved pet into the garden and buried it. Perhaps they erected a small cross made from Popsicle sticks over the grave. However, not all pets have had to make do with such modest, if heartfelt, memorials. Some monuments put up to ensure that an animal or group of animals