
Religion David F. Ellrod August 25, 2017 The Roman Catholic Church keeps records of thousands of deceased persons it has recognized as saints—people whose presence in Heaven it considers verified. Given these saints’ lofty stature, their help (or intercession) is often invoked by Catholics on Earth to petition God for help with particular issues. The
Weird Stuff Adam R. Ramos August 24, 2017 Body piercing has been practiced throughout the world since ancient times for religious, aesthetic, and sexual purposes. While many people choose to display their piercings proudly, in Victorian times, piercings were secretly hidden beneath a prim exterior. Others on this list were forcibly pierced against their will.
Mysteries Samantha Spencer August 23, 2017 Sadly, many people go missing. Some of these people become very well-known in the aftermath of their disappearances. But we’re always left to wonder if the efforts to find them might have been more thorough—and possibly more successful—if they had been rich, powerful, or famous. As you’ll see, even
Pop Culture Tiffany Stronghart August 23, 2017 It’s no secret that advertisers sell their products by offering a solution to a consumer’s problem—and in some cases, a problem they didn’t even know they had. For example, people didn’t worry about bad breath until Listerine created mouthwash. Yet, the Listerine-induced halitosis scare resulted in one of