Month: April 2020

The airplane is a feat of modern engineering, a symbol of humanity’s ongoing innovation, a gateway to anywhere in the world… And a condemnation to screaming babies, a constant whirring drone and a megalopolis of bacteria. Whichever you choose to believe more in, these top 10 terrifying facts show just how skin-crawling the fruit of
When thinking about extraordinary foods, most minds would conjure up images of obscure cuisine, and elaborate dishes with unpronounceable names. However, remarkable secrets lie hidden in foods we eat on a daily basis, with fascinating scientific explanations behind them. From nuts to fruits, to vegetables, here are 10 Bizarre Natural Phenomena in Everyday Foods. 10
“Funny like how? How am I funny… like I’m a clown to you?” 10 Hilarious Realities Behind Your Favorite Movie Scenes Like Joe Pesci and Ray Liotta[1] before us, we could all use a good laugh lately – a welcome escape from our current housebound humdrums. There may never be a better time to curl