Month: October 2018

Gods always seem weird to people who do not believe in them. Even today, it is hard for people to understand what draws others to different religions and that is with living believers and their texts to help. The gods of the ancient world, which emerge from the Earth when we dig them up, can
When you think of strange light phenomena, the first things that likely come to mind are rainbows, aurora borealis, or halos around the Sun. While at any given moment, you’re probably not going to look outside and see any of these things, there are other events that have dumbfounded people for years. Our world has
Food is perhaps one of the most important things in our lives. While some look at it as just a means with which to continue living, others look at it as an art, a reason to broaden their culinary horizons. Whether they view food as nourishment, exploration, or a medium for socialization and bonding, few
For hundreds of years, witch hunters operated throughout Europe. Their motivations ranged from superstitions and paranoia to an incomprehensible religious zeal. Sometimes, it was just politics. Nevertheless, it’s estimated that tens of thousands of people were executed for witchcraft in Europe. The witch hunters mostly framed terrified old women. But every so often, a witch
Not all good ideas get the recognition they deserve, especially when they go against long-held notions. These ten people knew something important and tried to share it with the world, only to be silenced by other parties that either didn’t believe them or had their own personal interests. A lot of them suffered professionally due
Statues are no strangers to controversies. The fact that they are usually modeled after famous people or objects or are in memory of certain events will often put them at the center of controversy. In some instances, protests and even riots have occurred as a result of statue-related strife. Statues stirring such discord is hardly