Month: July 2018

They wrap around objects ranging from the tiniest magnets to the entire Earth. Despite our fascination with these magnetic fields, they still produce many mysteries and strange behaviors. Recent discoveries uncovered fields where none were ever seen before, the spot where the planet’s poles might flip, and how to control brains and make wormholes. Magnetic
Seeing lights in the sky is perhaps one thing, even if these strange, unknown objects are witnessed close-up. However, seeing such craft with humanoid beings on board is completely another. The same can be said of closer, direct encounters with humanoid creatures presumably from another world. There are more recorded accounts of such encounters than
The universe has a morbid sense of humor. We’ve known this ever since apes were allowed to have consciousness. However, the universe sometimes feels the need to remind us of this fact. At times, it does this by giving absolute power to the least deserving or by sending off a human being in a manner