Month: June 2018

Tales of mythical lands, lost cities, and hidden treasures have regaled generations of eager listeners in nearly every society on the planet throughout the course of history. Some of the earliest of these tales can be traced back to influential literature like the Old Testament, with its description of ancient cities like Sodom and Gomorrah
The Black Panther Party, originally the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, was established in Oakland, California, in 1966 by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton. The party was set up to act as a defense against the corrupt police in African-American neighborhoods. By the end of 1968, the Black Panthers had established around 38 chapters across
The wheels of justice turn slowly but grind exceedingly fine. After years, even decades, of investigations with no results, it can seem pretty certain that some cold cases will remain a mystery forever. That’s not necessarily true, as we’ve recently seen with the Golden State Killer, now tentatively identified as Joseph DeAngelo. Perhaps it will
The Jewish people are history’s favorite scapegoats. Through every generation, they’ve been blamed for everything you can imagine—from killing Jesus to controlling the world. Most of it is infuriating, and we’ve all heard the worst stories about how anti-Semitism has brought on some of history’s worst tragedies. There are some lesser-known ones, though, that take