Month: November 2017

Throughout human history, the arbitrary borders which divide our countries have been fluid, changing over time. As of 2017, there are nearly 200 countries in existence. But there have been many more which did not survive. They were wiped off the face of the Earth for a number of reasons. But their ill-fated bids for
The unknown doesn’t tend to stay unknown. After all, there are quite a few very smart people out there, constantly endeavoring to document and understand our world and its mysteries. Often, they’re the ones to turn to when something seems inexplicable. We rely on experts for answers, but sometimes, they’re as baffled as we are
From the Loch Ness monster to the September 11 attacks, conspiracy theorists have an alternate explanation for everything. In the US, one of the most historic events is the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. It is a day remembered with a mix of sorrow and conspiracy theories. We have official
A child being kidnapped is one of a parent’s worst nightmares. Possibly even more heart-wrenching are cases wherein a completely defenseless infant is abducted. Sadly, it can get even worse than that. Some people are willing to do anything for a baby. Each of the following were so desperate for an infant that they kidnapped