Month: August 2017

Movies and TV Oliver Taylor August 21, 2017 Imitation is said to be the sincerest form of flattery. However, it is necessary to know where to draw the line between flattery and flagrant copyright infringement, especially among small movie studios that “imitate” successful blockbusters by “borrowing” their story lines, characters, and footage. In most cases,
Movies and TV Gary Pullman August 19, 2017 Many stars of both genders and all ages in Hollywood, Europe, India, China, and elsewhere have complained of being sexually harassed or even assaulted by big-name studio executives, producers, directors, or fellow actors. Often, the stars refuse demands to trade sex for movie roles, but on occasion,
Humans Holly Bunker August 19, 2017 Children have amazingly resilient bodies. They can bend and shift in ways many adults can’t. They seem to endure countless bumps and bruises without any permanent damage and even manage to look cute throughout all their crazy charades. However, even children have their limits. There are all too many
Weird Stuff Samantha Spencer August 18, 2017 Oftentimes, conspiracy theories are outright dismissed as paranoia or the ramblings of fringe dwellers or quacks. Perhaps, this is usually the case. But some theories were frighteningly correct. 10 Cigarettes Cause Cancer Today, it’s common knowledge that tobacco products are deadly. For many, it seems outlandish that there
Movies and TV Oliver Taylor August 18, 2017 An adapted film is one from the story line of a successful novel, comic, play, TV show, or even another movie. However, as we will soon find out, the success of the source material does not necessarily equate to the success of the adapted film. Also, the