Music is as integral to the human experience as anything else, perhaps even predating language itself. Though the human voice was probably the initial choice for prehistoric man, instruments have been found which date back more than 35,000 years. Mythology has been similarly ubiquitous throughout human history. As such, myths have built up to explain
Video games are a favorite pastime of children and adults alike, and with the expansion of the Internet, gaming has become bigger than ever. It’s hardly an obscure hobby enjoyed only by a fringe group of potentially dangerous weirdos. With that being said, video games have a long and disturbing history of being tied to
German criminologist Stephan Harbort once conducted a study looking at the factors which contribute toward escaping an encounter with a serial killer. After examining over 150 German killers and their individual crimes, he obtained an interesting statistic. On average, these murderers initiated contact with 31 potential targets before getting a victim under their control. This
A lot of people get frustrated at work. Whether it’s a demanding boss, lazy coworkers, or the threat of layoffs, it can be difficult to put in eight hours every day in a tense environment. But most people soldier through. People who work in the postal service, however, have a tendency to snap and shoot