It is a well-known fact that Michael Jackson was preparing for a world tour before his death.[1] However, the concert, which became known as “the greatest concert that never happened,” was not the only thing that the King of Pop planned but never got to do. He had a long list of things he almost
If you visit any of the famous seats of government or palaces around the world, you’ll inevitably be confronted by portraits of kings, queens, and presidents from history. Most of them are austere, commanding images of imposing figures—for such portraits are primarily propaganda for the individual captured on canvas. More often than not, these portraits
Some of the most fascinating and legendary criminals were train robbers. The 19th and early 20th centuries were filled with train heists. Some were even masterminded by legends like Jesse James and Butch Cassidy. Many train robbers got away with millions of dollars in cash, gold, silver, and bank notes. The exploits of some were
Portugal is a dream for anyone who seeks the strange and amazing edges of antiquity. As the country shares a European peninsula with Spain, Portugal’s human story reaches back into prehistory. The country is home to some of the oldest, biggest, and rarest discoveries known to science. Ancient ancestors also present their many mysteries woven
There is no doubt that UFO sightings exploded following the end of World War II. After Roswell and the popularity the subject enjoyed throughout society as the 1940s gave way to the 1950s, seemingly everyone was suddenly seeing strange things in the sky. However, unexplained aerial phenomena have been witnessed throughout most of recorded history.
Extreme sports are extremely scary. Millions of people around the world live their daily lives without engaging in extreme sports, which either puts them on the right side of Darwinian evolution or demonstrates that they are simply too scared to push themselves to the limits of their nerve and endurance. For those of us who