There’s no room for stories of evil monsters, ghostly ships, or oracles and their priestesses in the cold light of the rational 21st century. The ancient myths and legends that have come down to us are seen as no more than the creation of someone’s overworked imagination. However, many of these seemingly impossible tales do
Humans seem to have an innate, experience-based desire to alter their reality. It’s incredible that we can take certain substances to change our perception and sometimes even rebuild perception itself. And we’ve found more than a few such substances over the years. Psychedelics are drugs primarily known for causing visual and auditory hallucinations and altered
The world of science fiction is almost never missing artificial intelligence (AI). However, the rate at which it is being developed and is learning things by itself sometimes raises the question of whether AI is science fiction or something that has already entered our society (and we haven’t even realized it yet). AI has the
Practically everyone watches TV. Whether it’s political commentary, the NFL, or the Real Housewives franchise, there truly is something for everyone. And while TV can lead to some headed arguments on- and off-screen, some TV shows caused people to take their anger one step further—ending in murder. While there are tons of lists about movies
Some crimes are so terrible, so grisly, that they sound more like scenes from horror movies than news headlines. With films like Saw and The Human Centipede, that’s a pretty high bar. While not all of the crimes on this list surpass the horror of sewing people together end-to-end, they are nonetheless terrifying enough to
The brainchild of entrepreneur and futurist Elon Musk, SpaceX was founded in 2002 as an attempt to rekindle public interest in space exploration and spur funding for NASA. Also, Musk really wanted to launch skyscraper-sized missiles into Earth’s orbit. And honestly, who wouldn’t? The South African–born visionary’s ultimate goal is to enable multiplanetary human existence
While South Africa undoubtedly has a long, rich, and intriguing history, it also has an equally rich collection of UFO and alien encounters that rival almost anywhere in the world. Furthermore, these sightings have seemingly been increasing steadily since the early 1970s. While some are more credible than others, much like anywhere else in the