We tend to think we live in a time of sexual liberty, lusty debauchery, and sleazy hookups, an era of Tinder and college parties. But, in actuality, we have some pretty stiff competition when we reach back into history and look to our ancestors and the kings, queens, nobleman, military leaders, emperors, and even prehistoric
Our human ancestors didn’t have the luxury of modern medicine that we enjoy today. They had to deal with the raw pain of surgical procedures using nothing more than natural remedies and “cures” from old wives’ tales. No licensed practitioners administered anesthesia to make these patients completely numb or render them unconscious. Thus, plants and
It’s not all tea, crumpets, and royal weddings in the United Kingdom. In fact, Britain is home to some downright bizarre and truly weird and wonderful festivals. To some outsiders, the Brits may seem prim, proper, and a bit too serious at times. But a closer look will dispel that notion. From ancient pagan rites