
20 hertz to 20 kilohertz: the range of frequencies humans are able to hear. Sound is a natural constant, as essential and expected as the light we see and the air we breathe. From good music to blaring alarms, our daily lives are full of these vital vibrations in familiar forms. However, there is more
There is no denying that flashy or highly unusual artifacts are fascinating. As the world of archaeology turns more glitzy, these items hit the headlines more than their dull, unglamorous counterparts. But history holds no such prejudice. Sometimes, it’s the more mundane artifacts that tell us the most about our ancestors and how they lived.
In today’s society, fortune-telling typically involves tarot cards, palm reading, and horoscopes. These modern practices are tame compared to what went on in the past. Throughout history, people have been just as obsessed with trying to figure out what will happen in the future as they are today. In ancient times, many different forms of
Autumn shadows grow long. Skeletons peek through house windows. Scary costumes fill store aisles. But what about that other part of Halloween—the one that claims this is All Hallows’ Eve? Any Church calendar notes that Halloween falls just before All Saints’ Day, but how do holy and creepy go together? This list will look at
When people speak of weather control and cloud seeding, many minds turn to conspiracies and dark corners of the world’s governments looking to cripple their enemies with a flood, hurricane, or both. And, as limited as it is, there is some documentation showing that government departments have at least looked at the possibility of such