
Sometimes when creating fiction, authors look for inspiration in real life. History has no shortage of captivating figures whose lives (or, at least, parts of them) would make for fascinating stories. Occasionally, the characters based on them can become even more popular, to the point where people forget that they were inspired by real people.
As a world-famous producer and a cofounder of Miramax Films, Harvey Weinstein’s name has frequently been listed in the credits of some of our favorite movies. He has accepted various accolades and often been thanked by Hollywood’s brightest stars in their award acceptance speeches. This week, however, Weinstein’s name has been mentioned in all the
Becoming a journalist is one of the most popular childhood dreams in the world, but it often comes with a price. Those who tirelessly campaign against the powerful and corrupt sometimes find themselves facing terrifying and violent threats. Reporters Without Borders claim that nearly half of the world lacks access to free information, and journalists