
Allegedly, there are no known cases of Finnish people actually having fins, like some land-going whale. This is a myth and was possibly made up on the spot in lieu of a wittier introduction to this week’s list of fascinating facts, which is indeed about Finland, the land of the finless Finns. Disappointing lack of
Not all UFO sightings can be passed off as hoaxes or weather balloons. The question is whether these mysterious objects are visitors from other worlds or examples of undisclosed human technology. As it has expanded into a global hegemony, the US government has failed to stay true to the ideals of transparency and accountability upheld
During its short known existence, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) has created quite a name for itself—profound for some and obscene for others. The popularity and infamy of LSD is a rather mixed bag. It’s been used for everything from lab experiments to party drugs. LSD has also been tested on subjects in a wide range