
Elections are usually the exclusive province of living people. Typically, certain requirements must be met before someone can run for office, such as a minimum age or living in the area one wishes to govern. Having a pulse kind of goes without saying. But none of that has stopped dead people from defeating their living
In the world of laboratories, foam is not the froth that makes beer look crisp. Appearing as gels, solids, and even at the quantum level, foam is earmarked to improve the lives of humans in remarkable ways. This flexible substance spawns innovation in combat, operating theaters, and robotics. It also fosters a safer environment for
Virus. The word is usually met with fear and understandably so. These microscopic collections of biological chemicals have been responsible for countless cases of death and sickness. The very mention of a deadly viral pandemic can send entire neighborhoods, cities, or even geographic zones into a state of sheer, frenzied panic. Viruses are invisible to
In today’s society, it often seems as if you cannot turn on the news without hearing about the ways in which big businesses use their deep corporate pockets and political might to influence politicians and elections. While their presence has become more prevalent, especially in the US as a result of Supreme Court decisions such
Vampires are not real. The idea that the dead can come back to life and sustain themselves on blood is, from a scientific point of view, laughable. However, there are some humans out there who have vampiric qualities, whether their personalities drain others or they prefer the darkness of night to the light of day.
They walk among us! No, not aliens. Royals have a long and illustrious history of shrugging off their robes and crowns and getting stuck in with the general public. Sometimes, they did so because they had no choice or because they wanted to suss out what the “real” people thought of their rule. Other times,