
Nothing in space beats the strangeness of a black hole. The most educated scholars struggle to explain why normal physics fails around them or what happens inside these all-consuming monsters. Every year, the enigmatic phenomenon reveals weird and frightening clues about its true nature. Time reversal, black holes from a dead universe, and the first
Christianity thrives around the world. People devote their entire lives to a being they cannot see, touch, or feel. They run purely on faith. There are some faithful servants, however, who endure the ultimate mark of their religion. Seen as blessed, these people bear the wounds of Christ’s crucifixion—the stigmata. Many believe stigmata to be
Death can be devastating, both to the dying person and his loved ones. But how about someone actually documenting his death? Believe it or not, a number of people have done this throughout history. Some knew they were dying and documented their deaths, taking notes, or sometimes photos and videos, of their slow end. Others
Dowries and bride prices have long been a feature of human civilization, utilized in virtually every culture. Dowries often served as protection for the wife, as she would be right to leave her husband and take the dowry back if he or his family treated her badly, an all too common occurrence.[1] Dowries are now
In the Anglophone world, the name Patrice Alegre is far from well known. This monster spent almost a decade preying on women in the southern French city of Toulouse. Alegre would have just been another psychopathic killer in France if not for his supposed links to a conspiracy involving the European elite, drugs, and accusations
Venezuela recently introduced a new currency to replace its already battered money.[1] For some years now, the nation has been experiencing serious hyperinflation that has totally rubbished the value of its currency, the bolivar. The government introduced the new currency, the sovereign bolivar, hoping it will curb the effects of the inflation. Judging from what