
Statues are no strangers to controversies. The fact that they are usually modeled after famous people or objects or are in memory of certain events will often put them at the center of controversy. In some instances, protests and even riots have occurred as a result of statue-related strife. Statues stirring such discord is hardly
Not all good ideas get the recognition they deserve, especially when they go against long-held notions. These ten people knew something important and tried to share it with the world, only to be silenced by other parties that either didn’t believe them or had their own personal interests. A lot of them suffered professionally due
Outlaw biker clubs have had a wild ride. While once considered no more than a public nuisance, these groups have grown more organized over the past few decades. With that increased organization has come ever greater power and influence. Some have even grown so powerful that they’ve not only expanded their illegal activities across multiple
A continent now flourishing with economic superpowers, Asia is comprised of countries that were built by centuries of bloodshed. Entire periods of war for unification are a common theme within the East—certainly something unique to the region. Indeed, history is a well-known lover of heroes. Fearsome warriors have been glorified and romanticized since time immemorial.
Most of us think of insects as creepy-crawly things that are best flattened by a flyswatter. But not all of these creatures fall into that category. The butterfly is one of the most popular types of insect, which is largely because the various kinds of butterfly are beautiful to look at. However, many people don’t