Month: May 2019

For many adults, the adventure and excitement of playing in the treetops is a romantic notion of childhood. People remember climbing trees and building secret tree forts high up in the branches during their youth, but only a special few live this reality into adulthood. The motives for living in a tree may vary, but
The octopus is one of the most recognizable and intriguing animals on Earth. They pull spectacular escapes and become social media darlings. Like famous people, some individuals even get their own movies and conspiracy theories. They come with mysteries, too. From peculiar mass strandings to dreams revealed on octopus skin, there is still so much
Whether we love it or not, the dominant form of government across the world today is the representative democracy, in which the citizens elect representatives who then use their voice in government on their constituents’ behalf. Representative democracy is found across the world and is broadly similar from country to country. Whether we live in
Most of the time, we think of famous people as larger than life. They become idols that we look up to as something beyond human, and we forget what they really are. However, sometimes, you hear about the silliest little personality quirks of famous people. It brings you back down to Earth, reminding you that
No one is saying that Homo sapiens climbed out of their spaceships fully formed on planet Earth one day. We obviously spent a lot of time evolving on Earth. However, scientists have difficulty tracing our most distant origins—that is, our basic building blocks. Even though it sounds straight out of a science fiction movie, it’s
Life is full of so many wonderful things. While some articles explore the most fascinating things in our universe that exist to entertain us, in this list, we want to go over some common things that people are convinced exist but actually aren’t real at all (at least the way people generally think). Some of
Most people do not enjoy angry moments. They are usually connected to something bad, like a parking ticket or an argument. But this negative emotion enthralls researchers, who track it in dreams and genes. Anger also has weird side effects, like delusions of intelligence and the slow death of punctuation marks. Then there are the