Month: March 2019

Courts can categorize nonhuman entities like rivers, forests, mountains, and animals as humans. The courts do not necessarily call them humans straight-up. Instead, they give them the same rights given to humans. When this happens, harm against the nonhuman entity will carry the same punishment as harm against humans. Imagine getting tried for assault because
Radioactivity is an energy born when atoms break apart. These rays and particles are not flesh friendly. However, as money and curiosity often override ethics, history is filled with radioactive products, health fads, and illegal human experiments. The zingy particles also cause odd dangers after nuclear explosions and, in a very alarming way, to crematorium
For the purposes of this list, “crisis” shall refer to negative circumstances that could alter a nation’s economy. Most of the time, such a description would be fit by large-scale disasters like wars, epidemics, and famine. Sometimes, however, portents of doom might barely seem newsworthy. Seemingly innocuous things like a low birth rate, a shortage
Humans are often called as witnesses to testify in courts and before Congress. As we are about to find out, being a witness is not exclusive to humans. Animals, puppets, and robots have also fulfilled that role. Animals have been called as witnesses in criminal proceedings because they saw the crimes or got involved in