Month: January 2019

Odors are things that we probably do not pay much attention to. We just tend to prefer pleasant scents and stay away from unpleasant odors. However, there is more to these smells. For instance, that chlorine odor we perceive in pools is not chlorine. And the smell of a new car is surprisingly dangerous to
Automobiles have come a long way since Karl Benz created the first car in 1885. (Karl Benz did not actually invent the car, but we will get to that shortly.) Several features we take for granted in today’s cars were not originally standard. For instance, the first cars did not have steering wheels or top
Cutting-edge technology allows researchers to get creative with their goals. Quirkiness in the name of science is bound to produce something unusual. From octopuses that are plied with Ecstasy and people reading each other’s thoughts to a reality that exists only when looked at, scientists are breaking new ground. However, as with all experiments, not
Being born is among the hardest things any creature will ever do. Going from a single cell to a fully formed organism ready to face the world is a path we all take. However, no two species face the exact same struggle to be born, and there are quite a variety of odd life cycles
Where there is great expansion, there is almost always great decay. This is the way of life, that when things grow, they do so by processes which neglect certain parts of their composition, necessarily leaving behind things which no longer suit the needs of the organism (or superorganism) so that it can adapt to its