Month: December 2018

Ancient weapons may have been forged from wood, stone, and lower-grade metal, but they were all deadly. Recent discoveries unearthed rare swords and spear points but also unusual facts. From fierce Vikings who did not use their swords to clumsy-looking paddles designed to crush skulls, unexpected uses are coming to light. Researchers also look to
In 1915, a German thinker named Friedrich Naumann wrote a book entitled Mitteleuropa. Naumann saw in Central Europe the chance for an economic trading zone free from the claws of imperial powers Great Britain, France, and Russia. Other German thinkers, especially Prussian militarists, conceived of Mitteleuropa as a pan-German state ruled from Berlin.[1] The Habsburg
Diamonds are not only a woman’s best friend. They are also a geologist’s best friend. These precious stones sometimes contain unbelievably rare or unseen elements that reveal the deepest secrets buried in our Earth. By analyzing diamond finds, scientists have been able to guess what lies underground and have even uncovered some facts about the
Some people have always been frightened of bridges. Gephyrophobia sufferers often try to avoid crossing bridges altogether, driving miles out of their way to avoid them. Of course, quite a few bridges can be rough experiences for those with acrophobia, as well. With some bridges, however, terror seems to be the only sensible response. Here,
To most of us, the mere mention of the word “incest” strikes us and stops us dead in our tracks. It’s immediately repulsive to most human beings the world over, and its taboo status reflects this. Incest may not be illegal in every society, but it is, at the very least, socially unacceptable virtually everywhere.[1]
Throughout history, people have moved across the great expanses of the globe to establish communities. Some of them have even grown into large cities which harbor millions of individuals. However, some people have chosen to remain in smaller groups that are totally off the radar. These communities have withstood the test of time in near