Month: October 2018

Birds have always migrated, but humans haven’t always completely understood what was going on. We could certainly see the massive flocks journeying across the skies, but it was anyone’s guess as to why. Not surprisingly, some remarkable ideas and stories about migrating birds have come about through the ages. These erroneous beliefs were largely based
Death can be painful enough to deal with on its own, but a murder can compound the suffering for the family. For some, years and years without answers guarantees that the wounds caused by this hardship never heal. Sometimes, detective work is a waiting game—for breakthroughs in technology or that one witness to come forward
Stories of exorcisms have long captured the fear of the public. While generally associated with the Catholic Church, such accounts have existed since Mesopotamian times. From movies like The Exorcist and countless horror novels on the subject, it is clear that these demonic stories still hold sway over the general public’s imagination. Demons and possessions