Month: May 2018

The history of lost libraries inevitably mentions the disappearance of the Great Library of Alexandria, which also remains one of the most frequently debated due to the mystery surrounding its downfall. Multiple conflicting accounts of how the library was destroyed have circulated over the years, ranging from allegations of fire set by Julius Caesar during
“Somebody built the Moon.” This is one radical theory supported by many UFO investigators and ancient astronaut theorists—but one some surprisingly smart people are also supporting these days. Now, before scoffing too loudly, have you ever wondered why we never went back to the Moon after the Apollo missions or why the Russians never followed
There’s nothing like sports to remind you how incredibly fragile the human body is. For almost any activity or sport that’s physically demanding, getting hurt is not just a possibility but an eventuality. Baseball players tear their elbow ligaments. Pro football players can recount dozens of concussions—if they haven’t had too many. Athletes who accelerate