Month: April 2018

If you drink caffeinated beverages, you may have experienced your heart racing from drinking far too much. This is the first sign of a caffeine overdose. Maybe you have experienced a massive headache and irritability when you go without your morning cup of coffee. This is caffeine withdrawal. Few people stop to recognize that caffeine
Will we ever run out of tragic stories from Hollywood? Too often, the glitz and glamour presented for the camera is just an illusion carefully crafted to draw in the viewer. It seems that Hollywood has been a place of excess and depravity since its inception. Curiously, the sex, drugs, and murder only serve to
While it is the complete opposite of haute cuisine in a gourmet restaurant, buffet food at self-service eateries continues to increase in popularity throughout the world. Despite the appeal, buffets have garnered negative attention due to sanitary violations and twisted, unscrupulous patrons who seem determined to ruin someone’s meal. The following 10 items cover a