Month: December 2017

At this stage, you’d need to have been living under a rock to have not heard of Bitcoin. With the market price having recently exceeded US $18,000, media attention is at an all-time high. What most people are a little uncertain on is what exactly Bitcoin is. Terms like “cryptocurrency” and “blockchain technology” get thrown
The history of the balls used in various sports is rather gruesome. Players used pretty much whatever was available, including simple stitched-together cloth, inflated animal bladders, human heads, and animal and human skulls.[1] Materials and technology have come a long way since ancient times, and the sports balls in use today reflect these changes. Compared
The word “overdose” typically brings illegal drugs to mind. But it is not only street drugs or the abuse of prescription medications that can overwhelm the body and cause damage or death. Substances that are considered harmless or even healthy can become poisonous when misused. The items listed below range from benign to beneficial in
Although it’s been controversial since its debut, Playboy magazine has long been an icon of American pop culture. Sure, it features sexist “pictorials” of beautiful nude women, including many celebrities, but the monthly periodical also publishes short stories, articles, and cartoons by some of the world’s leading writers and artists. Playboy runs interviews of well-known,