Month: November 2017

Some traits are easily recognized as pieces of our DNA. Hair and eye colors, height, and the shape of our noses can typically be found in one or both of our parents. Ailments such as high blood pressure or mental illness have a hereditary factor, too. Most traits commonly associated with our genetics are physical.
Islands seem to sit in a place between two worlds. They’re land, but they’re surrounded by sea. The isolation that they offer has been fruitful in fiction but has also inspired folklore around the world. How many sailors have spotted an island on the horizon and wondered if it meant salvation or a supernatural threat?
This is the one white light in the sky you don’t want to go toward. And if you can’t figure that out on your own, the boom of thunder afterward should send you racing for cover. Then again, after you hear how a lightning strike dramatically changed an orthopedic surgeon, you may reconsider. Throughout history,
Sometimes it feels like scientists are getting pretty close to solving every mystery there is. We have theories on wormholes, dark matter, the beginning of the universe, and a whole map of how single-celled organisms evolved into human beings. We’ve solved some mysteries so complex that it boggles the mind to even think about them.