Month: October 2017

Many variables determine how well a movie does at the box office. They include the quality of the script, the talent of the director and the actors, the caliber of the cinematography, the contributions of other crew members, the movie’s publicity, and critical and audience responses, to name a few. Sometimes overlooked, another factor in
We all are accustomed to tales of supposed hauntings after private tragedies; the jilted bride appearing in her wedding dress even though she threw herself out of a window 100 years before; the victim trying to communicate their distress 30 years after their murder. But what of events that affect hundreds, if not thousands, of
There’s nothing so pleasurable that humanity can’t turn it into a contest. Even the joys of a simple meal have been co-opted into a sport by making consumption competitive. Competitive eating, as it is known, has grown in recent years and has spread across the globe. There are contests for almost any food imaginable—and some
Thanks in large part to modern technology, anyone can be his own master in learning just about anything. An Internet connection is the cord between us and the wealth of knowledge online about any particular subject. Beyond that, all it takes is initiative. But the Internet and formal education are not the only ways to