
The moon has been associated with a wide variety of superstitions across cultures, even if there’s nothing particularly noteworthy about it; far cooler satellites exist right in our solar system. From its use in the occult to dating advice on Instagram, many people believe it to be much more influential in our daily lives than
Seeing a unicorn in the bathtub is not always a sign of mental illness. Hallucinations are surprisingly common. Healthy individuals can trigger otherworldly experiences with coffee, the wrong medication and gazing at a loved one. The deep end is terrifying. Some people live with epic hallucination disorders that cannot be fully explained or treated. Experts
We’ve all heard stories of people who are addicted to eating sofa cushions or bathing in bleach. These are far from the norm; it turns out that there’s plenty of no less strange addictions that are far more common. So common, in fact, that the chances are good that you know people that have an
China is ancient and beautiful. But cherry blossoms and the Great Wall aside, the country’s freakiest issues could harm its own population, the international community, and even unborn sacred leaders. See Also: 10 Ways You Are Ruled By Communist China There is a terrifying reason why China is never short of organ donors. Its social
Anything in life can become haunted. From houses to people to patches of land to toys, ghosts will attach to anything in their power to affect. This apparently includes retail stores! See Also: Top 10 Famous Haunted Landmarks You Didn’t Know Were Haunted Across the US (and England, apparently), retail stores like Walmart, Target, Sam’s
Teaching is often a calling, and the people who enter into the profession do so for noble reasons. After all, it isn’t for the excellent compensation and benefits, but that’s a conversation for a different list. Teachers work their butts off to ensure our children don’t grow up without a basic understanding of math, history,
To have a person vanish out of thin air is extremely disturbing, but to have bizarre events surrounding the disappearance can make the situation even more unsettling. This list compiles ten of the most unsettling disappearances that have occurred. The circumstances surrounding each disappearance are extremely bizarre and many of the crimes have yet to
The most-enduring conspiracy theories tend to be those that focus on a powerful elite pulling the puppet strings of the world to manipulate it to their liking. For an entity as powerful as the European Union, it is pretty much inevitable that such theories will form. From military might and monetary policy, to language and
McDonald’s is an American staple. Almost every town has at least one and many have upwards of three. It’s even spread and branched out to become a worldwide brand! It’s in our movies, our books, the ads are everywhere, it’s one of those brands that’s woven into the fabric of everyday life to the point
The British Royal Family is probably the most famous and far reaching Royal Family in the World, with the Queen of England being the official Head of State in 16 countries around the world. In addition to the Commonwealth, the British Royal Family is beloved internationally as symbols of class, elegance and humility, which they
When Jesus spoke of money and possessions in the New Testament, he pled for people not to amass or become too attached to materialistic gains. As it turns out, many of his purported followers tasked with spreading his message haven’t taken these words to heart and have amassed considerable fortunes for themselves. Thanks to the
Math is, understandably, a complicated subject to get a hang of. Most of us are simply not wired to do anything with a large amount of numbers, even if we’re intuitively mathematical beings. We’re adding, subtracting, multiplying and doing even more complicated equations in our heads all the time. It’s a problem, though, when that
Creepy stories are always a hit, unless you are the star of one. There are hundreds of internet discussions about ghost sightings, weird sounds, unexplained incidents etc. And it’s always those personal experiences that get the most interaction. See Also: 10 Creepy Things Bodies Can Do After Death 10 Warning note A hotel guest found
There are some facts we all get wrong about colors. Like the belief the sun is yellow, or that we see black at night. We wrongly think water is colorless, gold is gold and that there are seven colors in the rainbow. The supposedly simple act of seeing color is a more complicated than we
Child marriage a violation of human rights and many of the children have no say in the matter. Child marriage has a host of negative consequences: increased mortality rates for both the mother and the child, mental health issues, sexually transmitted disease, and pregnancy complications. Despite laws against child marriage, millions of children are married
The biology of the human is well-studied. But the organ’s abilities continue to surprise even the experts. Adults can no longer see their entire reality and there are kids who dive with dolphin-like vision. Humans can also see the invisible or get tricked by their own eyes to miss something visible right in front of
Aileen Wuornos is one of America’s most recognizable female serial killers. Convicted of fatally shooting six middle-aged men along the Florida highways in 1989 and 1990; her story has been portrayed in movies, books, documentaries and even an opera. Investigators labeled her as a killer who robs rather than a robber who kills, as she
Genetic diversity is essential to the survival of a species. We all inherit a mix of genes from our parents, some of them passed down along several generations. Along the way, these genes are often mutated – for example, a single base in our DNA may be randomly swapped for another during replication, or a
“Florida man” is a meme. It refers to every déclassé and dumb (especially dumb criminals) person that has ever crawled out of the Everglades. For those addicted to the Internet, the Sunshine State is the magical place where robbers use Sharpie goatees as disguises and eight-foot-long alligators carry out impromptu home invasions. See Also: 10