
The candy that “melts in your mouth, not in your hand.” We all recognize that famous tagline for M&M’S. But there is so much more to these chocolate treats than whether they’ll melt in your mouth or your hand. Here, we’ll explore their fascinating roles in the entertainment industry, the White House, World War II,
In September 1859, the Earth was struck by an awe-inspiring coronal mass ejection (CME). Astronomers observed a brilliantly bright white flare emerging from the Sun, and auroras were seen as far south as Cuba and Jamaica.[1] This massive solar event wreaked havoc on electrical equipment across the world; telegraph wires burned off their poles, streams
If you drink caffeinated beverages, you may have experienced your heart racing from drinking far too much. This is the first sign of a caffeine overdose. Maybe you have experienced a massive headache and irritability when you go without your morning cup of coffee. This is caffeine withdrawal. Few people stop to recognize that caffeine
Will we ever run out of tragic stories from Hollywood? Too often, the glitz and glamour presented for the camera is just an illusion carefully crafted to draw in the viewer. It seems that Hollywood has been a place of excess and depravity since its inception. Curiously, the sex, drugs, and murder only serve to
While it is the complete opposite of haute cuisine in a gourmet restaurant, buffet food at self-service eateries continues to increase in popularity throughout the world. Despite the appeal, buffets have garnered negative attention due to sanitary violations and twisted, unscrupulous patrons who seem determined to ruin someone’s meal. The following 10 items cover a
Many animals have truly bizarre symbiotic relationships. The simple description of symbiosis is a mutually beneficial relationship involving physical contact between two organisms that are not of the same species. These relationships can be held together through cleanliness, protection, transportation, and even finding food. At times, however, there is a thin line between helpful and
Animals can often be trained to do the basics: sit, stay, roll over, and fetch. And then there are the overachievers. These animals set and break world records along with expectations for their species. Sometimes, animals can even beat us at our own game, becoming successful in ways many humans never could. Here are 10
Allegedly, there are no known cases of Finnish people actually having fins, like some land-going whale. This is a myth and was possibly made up on the spot in lieu of a wittier introduction to this week’s list of fascinating facts, which is indeed about Finland, the land of the finless Finns. Disappointing lack of
Not all UFO sightings can be passed off as hoaxes or weather balloons. The question is whether these mysterious objects are visitors from other worlds or examples of undisclosed human technology. As it has expanded into a global hegemony, the US government has failed to stay true to the ideals of transparency and accountability upheld
During its short known existence, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) has created quite a name for itself—profound for some and obscene for others. The popularity and infamy of LSD is a rather mixed bag. It’s been used for everything from lab experiments to party drugs. LSD has also been tested on subjects in a wide range
Everyone knows about the famous pyramids of Egypt. Their vast bulk and precise engineering make them seem like otherworldly artifacts simply dropped onto the desert. But the pyramid is a common form that ancient—and modern—builders have turned to when creating impressive structures. Here are 10 lesser-known pyramids that deserve just as much attention as the
Despite being murdered at age 25, Tupac Shakur lived an extraordinary life which was full of criminal activity—from his affiliation with local gangs and the New African Panthers to a short stint in prison for sexual abuse in 1995. However, Tupac is far from your average criminal. Many of these affiliations might be explained away
The second-smallest and innermost of the four Jovian moons, Io, was first documented by Galileo Galilei in January 1610. Io, along with moons Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto, proved to Earthlings that our pale blue dot was not the center of the universe, galaxy, or even the solar system, since these four satellites seemingly orbited Jupiter
It is rare to find an everyday person, even a university-educated one, who has heard of the Mamluks. Sometimes spelled as “Mameluke,” the Mamluks were slave soldiers who rebelled against their rulers to establish their own state in Egypt. Despite many Mamluks being the captured sons of Christians, Jews, pagans, and other non-Muslim religions, the
Arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders, is incredibly common. Usually, people have no idea which spiders are venomous and which ones are not, but they won’t take any chances. They promptly kill the frightening creatures or run in the opposite direction. Although the number of spider-related fatalities is very low compared to many other causes