
Social media companies are hijacking our minds by exploiting psychological vulnerabilities to manipulate and control our time and attention. That may sound dramatic, but it’s exactly what former employees of these companies, like Facebook cofounder Sean Parker, are beginning to admit. Like fast-food companies that exploit our human cravings for fat and salt, social media
What could be more exciting than searching for lost treasure? You might think that the concept is antiquated and has no place in today’s modern world, but you would be wrong. There are plenty of hidden treasures still out there, waiting to reveal their secrets to intrepid explorers. Indeed, the practice is very much alive
Energy winds up the world of work and makes money move. New concepts, renewable projects, and heavy investment are promising a bright future to power the world’s electrical and transport needs. But not everything works as promised or hoped. Let’s look at some of the not-so-successful ideas of the past that might make us thankful
Scarce finds add new words to the history books, and none are more visceral than death sites from the past. Most have faded enough to be overlooked by the casual passerby. But sometimes, someone stumbles upon skeletons while experts head for known battlefields. Whether by accidental or on purpose, their musty depths hold treasures that
Some body parts get all the attention, whether it’s the famous essentials like the heart, brain, and liver or the beauty of smiles or athletic musculature. However, there is a whole world of phenomenal body parts that deserve some more attention. These unsung anatomical heroes might not be the most eye-catching, but they’re why you
With the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle approaching, it is useful to look back through the history of royal weddings to see what we can expect. Certainly, there will be bunting, cakes, and flag waving. If they are lucky, the worst thing that will happen will be minor royalty turning up in
Ancient Egypt has fascinated the imagination since we first cleaned the sands away from the Great Sphinx. For the past two centuries, it has been an obsession for archaeologists and historians. It is a land whose mysteries we have spent years slowly unraveling. Even after all this time, though, there is still a great deal
In 2016, the University of Duisburg-Essen reported that more than 40 percent of the 263 heterosexual men who were surveyed could see themselves having a sex with a robot. Before sex toys got to the point where robots were a possibility, however, people had to settle for blow-up dolls and other rudimentary sex dolls. Many
Graveyards—there’s something inherently hair-raising about them, and to many, they’re some of the creepiest and most taboo places on the planet. What’s scarier than your typical, run-of-the-mill cemetery, though? How about one that houses the remains of millions of Parisians and is located directly underneath France’s capital? Yeah, probably that. For a city that’s known
Driver’s education first began in the United Kingdom as a business in 1909. Twenty-five years later, the first high school driver’s ed course was opened in the United States. It offered students lessons in driving skills as well as hands-on training. Since that time, such programs have been plagued, particularly in America, with unscrupulous instructors,
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I (1914–1918). By 1914, the airplane was barely a decade old but it already held the potential to revolutionize warfare. Air combat during those brief four years resulted in one of the steepest technological and tactical learning curves in history. Here, we investigate
Before plowing his van into a crowd of people in Toronto and bringing ten innocent lives to a horrific end on April 23, 2018, Alek Minassian left a strange message for the world: “The Incel Rebellion has already begun!” He wasn’t talking about a terrorist group. He was talking about a group of sexually frustrated
Getting sick can be scary, especially when you’ve been infected with something that’s messing with your private parts—like gonorrhea, the second most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the US. Gonorrhea causes pain when urinating, discharge, sore throat, fever, and achiness. Some of its symptoms are ignored because they’re associated with other illnesses, and some
There’s no room for stories of evil monsters, ghostly ships, or oracles and their priestesses in the cold light of the rational 21st century. The ancient myths and legends that have come down to us are seen as no more than the creation of someone’s overworked imagination. However, many of these seemingly impossible tales do
Humans seem to have an innate, experience-based desire to alter their reality. It’s incredible that we can take certain substances to change our perception and sometimes even rebuild perception itself. And we’ve found more than a few such substances over the years. Psychedelics are drugs primarily known for causing visual and auditory hallucinations and altered
Practically everyone watches TV. Whether it’s political commentary, the NFL, or the Real Housewives franchise, there truly is something for everyone. And while TV can lead to some headed arguments on- and off-screen, some TV shows caused people to take their anger one step further—ending in murder. While there are tons of lists about movies